Geescore™ connects you to high scoring Jobseekers
- Hiring Managers get more decision making data
- Social Boost Reputation Boost
- Jobseeker Referrals Job Board Boost
Jobposter Pricing
Free scoring of your Candidates for any job posting.
Use Jobposter by Geescore™ chrome extension or Geescore™ scoring widget
All for only $19.97 get started
- Unlock access to external high-scoring Jobseekers
- Boost your posting in social networks (we’ve done that 50,000 times)
- Get advice for which job boards are best suited for your job posting.
- We help boost your reputation & we promote powerful word of mouth Jobseeker
referrals - Any job posting – 3 days of service
$199.97 per month get it all full dashboard access
- Free 7 day Trial
- Includes Unlock, Boost, Reputation & Referrals for 20 job postings
- Get full Geescore™ access to scoring history for high-scoring Jobseekers
- All documents, contact information and communications history
- Access to all decision making R Tool data from ADD, SHARE, FIX
plus Analytics & Metrics
(note: Jobseekers must provide explicit permission for access to their information)