[rev_slider alias="geescore"] Geescore™ Geescore™ for HR Geescore™ Web Geescore™ Mobile Geescore™ Team Scoring ToolGeescore™ delivers a Jobseeker score for a specific job, at a moment in time (resume needed once) Geescore™ Scoring: Is automatic Is fast – score delivered in <4 seconds Works in Chrome or Firefox browser, with any job posting, anywhere Works in widgets, web and mobile apps with any job posting, anywhere Is a tool that complements any HR system, job board or job posting Is a high-value tool for Jobposters or Company Hiring Managers: Easy to use – no need for integration Free to try Low cost Low commitment More Jobseeker data R ToolGeescore™ challenges Jobseekers to improve their score by fixing missing info. and adding documents & data The reward for Jobseekers is a higher score The resulting benefit for Hiring Managers is more decision-making documents & data Consumer Relationship – improve Jobposter reputation and brand via engagement excellence Improve score and collect more data via challenges Last mile – connect high scoring Jobseekers to Jobposters Do you have job postings? You can add Geescore™ Jobseeker scoring Check out the Geescore™ Program Geescore™Never Apply for a Job Again™ #HRTech for both Jobseekers and Jobposters #HRTech that works! contact: Frank Abrams tel: 416 733-3001 email team