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When you’re ready to get back to work, We’re ready to help.
90 days of free scoring CODE = KALB3
Back to Work Campaign

How does Geescore™ help you?


We will score you (for free) for any job posting, anywhere on any job board or career portal, such as Monster, Indeed, Google, Careerbuilder, Snag, Procom, Naukri, Totaljobs AND MORE.


Let’s agree that getting an interview with the hiring company is a big win.

To get the interview try this…


First be a a smart Jobseeker; only apply to jobs that you are suited for, and have experience or training. This means only apply to jobs where you have a high Geescore™. Stop applying to dozens of random jobs. Follow the fast track to get an interview, and get back to work.


When you get a high Geescore™, take the extra time to research the job opportunity and customize your resume for the job. Focus on What I Can Do For You!


ADD a short cover letter, references, success stories, a bucket list


SHARE your portfolio and social links in the Geescore™ tool.


This boosts your Geescore™ and gives the Hiring Manager more information on you.