How Geescore™ works for a Publisher Partner
Geescore™ is a Jobseeker scoring widget that can be placed into any job posting, or list of jobs.
Jobseekers can use the widget to get free scoring on up to 20 job postings a day. They can also select a premium service that includes being connected to a Hiring Manager, when they get a high score.
The scoring widget has a unique capability to shift from the Jobseeker View, into a Jobposter View, designed to be used by the Hiring Manager, working to find good Candidates to fill the job posting.
The Jobposter View lets a Hiring Manager score their Candidates for free for the job posting.
For a low price, the Jobposter gets a powerful set of services including unlocking high-scoring external Jobseekers. If a Jobposter has many jobs to fill they can also choose a free trial of full dashboard cloud-based access.
A Publishing Partner has a share in these sources of Geescore™ revenue, organized under the Publisher’s unique Partner code. The Publishing Partner has dashboard access to view every job posting, Jobposter data, Job Board data, revenues, metrics, analytics under their code.
The Publisher has a responsibility to get the scoring widget deployed in job postings, lists of jobs and job boards. We provide the technology and sales support to help the Publisher reach out to Jobposters (Companies, Organizations etc.) and promote (1) Trying the Jobposter View by using our chrome browser extension on top of any job posting, to test the Geescore™ solution and (2) Embedding the javascript scoring widget into their job postings. The Publisher is also expected to provide email contact data for the Jobposters (Companies, Organizations etc.) using Geescore™.
The Publishing Partner is also given a a sidebar job board for their websites, filled with hundreds of fresh job postings – each one deployed with the scoring widget. If they have a job board we can provide a script to use the Geescore™ scoring system.