Geescore™ connects you to high scoring Jobseekers
Use GeescoreTM in your job search. Get scored in job posting and lists of jobs
Use GeescoreTM Chrome extension Jobseeker by GeescoreTM here
5 Services Bundle - Single job posting
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5 Services Bundle - Single job Posting
Get the bundle without embedding the script in a job posting or a list view
Includes free scoring for the job posting
List of Jobseekers for this job, Map View,
Includes mapping the jobseeker’s distance
from the job
Includes access security and authentication
for 3 days 1 job posting
New Dashboard Look
Includes free scoring for 20 job postings
Includes bundle services +
- Filter, Sort, Analytics
- Limited # of roles and views; Distribution Partner, Organization, Company
- Batch pre-sort scoring for # of resumes for fast response time to new job openings
- Includes stock scoring validator
Includes access security and authentication
for 20 job postings (Includes Bundle Services)
Includes Scoring, Bundle, Geescore Dashboard
Custom Dashboard (All Custom) :
- Scoring modules for Organization and Hiring Companies
- API, Scoring Validator, Pre-sort operations for faster scoring
- Collection and Scoring of Objective data
- R Tool inline and email surveys and questions
- Research, Classification and Scoring Model for Organizations and Hiring Company work domains
- Pre-Sort operations for faster scoring
For Pricing contact sales team
416 733-3001
Access inside new Jobposter Chrome Extension
New Dashboard Look
Preview Geescore and get free scoring without embedding the script in a job posting or a list view.
Includes access security and authentication
Identify high-scoring Jobseekers from your Internal Applicants with free scoring
Single Resume or Bulk Upload