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The Bottom Line on Geescore™ - What's in it for you?

  1. Identify qualified candidates by scoring jobseekers inside the job posting and job search
  2. No backend integration, everything is on the widget
  3. Find high-scoring suitable job applicants
  4. Customizable widget platform for custom scoring, WOTC, surveys etc
  5. Front end access to data on our HKT mini-dashboard
  6. Jobseeker engagement inside the job posting
  7. Job postings that work better: remedial actions for SEO
  8. Better website metrics; higher page views, more time on site, ,lower bounce rate
  9. Granular job posting insights: traffic, SEO
  10. Stand out from the crowd

Geescore™ Services

Jobpost Scoring Widget

Chrome Browser Extension

Custom Scoring

Your logo & brand

Scoring in your Job Search and Job Posts

embedded javascript widget

toggles to hiring manager mini-dashboard

includes jobseeker score download pdf

Your logo & brand

Scoring on any Job Search or Job Post

includes companion webpage

toggles to hiring manager mini-dashboard

includes jobseeker score download pdf

Custom Scoring

white hat data extraction & analysis

Workforce Planning

Job posting optimized design planning

Job post traffic & SEO analysis

To discuss Geescore™ SaaS pricing set up a quick zoom call HERE

Frank Abrams, CEO & Founder

sales contact:
Frank Abrams tel: 416 733-3001