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Staffing Companies need to quickly find the best Candidates for new contract postings.
Use GeescoreTM Jobseeker Scoring as a Service.

New Job Posting?

Fast Results for Staffing Co.s

We pre-sort and batch score Jobseekers for the fastest possible results.

We apply custom scoring modules to ensure high-scoring Jobseekers are in the correct work domain.

Staffing Companies are in a competitive battle to fill new open positions from an existing data store of resumes, or from new applicants from job postings. We help with both; pre-sorting and scoring both resumes on hand in data stores, as well as engaging with new potential applicants on a job posting or list of jobs.

The goal? Find highly suitable Jobseekers with experience in the correct work domain.

GeescoreTM raises the bar.

(1) GeescoreTM operates scoring with domain specific "matching science", scoring validation to eliminate bias and increase objectivity, as well as custom domain specific scoring modules.

(2) We identify high scoring Jobseekers, and deliver them to the Hiring Manager via a dashboard and emails.

(3) We collect more decision-making data for Hiring Managers with Get a Higher Score! (ADD, SHARE and FIX).

(4) We change the behaviors of Jobseekers. They can see which jobs are a waste of their time and this discourages unsuitable applicants. Instead of applying to every job, the Jobseekers can focus on applying to those jobs where they have a high score.

GeescoreTM Jobseeker Scoring as a Service for Staffing is easy and fast to access.

Scoring as a Service data integrates into your own Staffing Company

The GeescoreTM dashboard has role based access for Distribution Partners like a Staffing Co. or Job Portal, and Client Companies who might be advertising their open positions.

(1) Your Dashboard: Our Jobseeker Scoring as a Service data integrates into your own dashboard via API

(2) Your Dashboard inside your own job posting! When the GeescoreTM scoring widget is embedded in the job posting or a list of jobs. A "hot key" toggles to the Hiring Manager view. Holding down the CTRL ALT G keys on the keyboard, switches the view to the GeescoreTM dashboard.

(3) Your dashboard on a Webpage: We use a custom webpage GeescoreTM dashboard for Client access.